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Editing any information on this form will result in you profile needing to be re-approved.
This will take 2-3 business days and your profile will not be visible to the public during this time.
Your name, pseudonym, band name, organization name*
This will be the name displayed when visitors browse the artist lists
Art Category
Select All Areas of Experience...*
Artist Statement...*
Your Artist Statement should be a brief description of your art NOT a resume. (500 character limit)
You must submit at least one of the following four links *
Other ways for people to connect with your art...
You must upload at least one image below *
NOTE: Image #1 will be the image displayed in search results. ALL images will be displayed in your gallery.

You must upload at least one sample menu or recipe in PDF format *
You must upload at least one PDF sample of your work *
You may submit up to 3 links to examples of your work.
You must submit at least one YouTube video of your music *
Please allow 2-3 business days for your profile to be re-approved.
Your profile will not be visible to the public during this time.
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